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Benefit calculators

The below calculators are free to use, anonymous, and have replaced the Benefits Adviser service.

Please note that if you have over £16,000 in savings or capital assets you will not be entitled to housing benefit or council tax support.  Further, if you are making a new claim for benefit, you will need to claim Universal Credit for help with your rent unless you are in an exempt group, but see our Housing Benefit page for details.

Use an independent benefits calculator to find out:

  • what benefits you could get
  • how to claim
  • how your benefits will be affected if you start work


Use one of the following:

  • Turn2us - for information on income-related benefits, tax credits, Council Tax Reduction, Carer’s Allowance, Universal Credit and how your benefits will be affected if you start work or change your working hours

What you’ll need

You’ll need accurate information about your:

  • savings 
  • income, including your partner’s (e.g. from payslips)
  • existing benefits and pensions (including anyone living with you) 
  • outgoings (e.g. rent, childcare payments) 
  • council tax bill