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Register a food business

All food business operators (including operators of market stalls, delivery vehicles and other moveable structures) are required by law to register their food premises with the local authority.

Do I need to register my business?

Registration is an important legal requirement; it allows food safety officers to keep an up-to-date list of all food premises in their area so we can visit them when we need to. The frequency of the visits will depend on the type of business.

If you run a food business in the Stroud District you must tell us about any premises you use for storing, selling, distributing or preparing food. Food premises examples include restaurants, hotels, cafés, shops, supermarkets, staff canteens, kitchens in offices, warehouses, guest houses, delivery vehicles, buffet cars on trains, market and other stalls, hot dog and ice cream vans.

If you use vehicles for your food business in connection with permanent premises such as a shop, or warehouse, you only need to tell the local authority how many vehicles you have. You do not need to register each vehicle separately. If you have one or more vehicles but no permanent premises, you must tell the authority where they are normally kept.

Anyone starting a new food business must register with the local authority at least 28 days before trading.

In the case of sites with multiple food business establishments, each individual premises, establishment or outlet must be registered on a separate food premises registration form by the respective food business operator.

How do I register?

Registration cannot be refused and there is no charge. If you use premises in more than one local authority area, you must register with each authority separately.

You must tick all the boxes which apply to your business, answer all the questions and give all the information requested. Seasonal businesses operating for a certain period each year should give the dates between which they will be open in answer to question 12. If you have any questions please contact the Food Safety Team on 01453 754473 and we will help you. It is an offence to give information which you know to be false.

Register on-line

What happens to the information given on the form?

We will enter the details on our Register. A register of addresses and the type of business carried on at these will be open to inspection by the general public. Records of the other information provided will not be publicly available and will not be disclosed outside of Stroud District Council and other central and local Government departments or agencies. The details will by used for the purpose of registration, enforcement and the protection of public funds.

What if my business changes?

Once you have registered you only need to notify us of a change of Food Business Operator, if the nature of the business changes, or if there is a change of address at which moveable premises are kept. The new Food Business operator will have to complete a new registration form.