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Food safety management

A food safety management system (FSMS) is not only a legal requirement, but a helpful tool to ensure safe practices are followed within your business.

What is a food safety management system (FSMS)?

A FSMS is a systematic approach to controlling food safety hazards within a food business in order to ensure that food is safe to eat. All businesses are required to put in place, implement and maintain a FSMS based on the principles of "Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point" (HACCP).

What is hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP)?

HACCP is an international method of ensuring that food is always safe to eat.  It involves identifying food hazards and working out how to eliminate or control them.

How do I start?

You, or someone in your business, needs to have sufficient training or knowledge of hygiene matters and the activities in the business in order to write up a suitable food safety management system, or adapt one that has been produced as a model template.

The type of system you need will depend on the size and type of business. Larger, complex businesses will need very detailed written systems and highly trained people to write them, but small caterers will only need a simple system.

MyHACCP for manufacturers

MyHACCP is a free web tool that will guide you through the process of developing a food safety management system based on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles.

Safer food better business (SFBB)

A ready-made FSMS called safer food better business (SFBB) has been developed by the Food Standards Agency for use by caterers and retailers and is available free to download from the link below. It consists of a pack of 'Safe Methods' which focus on the areas most commonly associated with food poisoning: cross-contamination, cleaning, chilling, and cooking.

Advice and support for business

Our food safety officers can help you develop a food safety management system to fit the needs of your business. Call (01453) 754 478 to find out more about the low-cost support packages we offer.