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Application for a new premises licence

How to apply for and information relating to a new premises licence.

 Application requirements


Application form


Plans of the premises


If the application includes sale of alcohol; a consent of designated premises supervisor (DPS) form.  The DPS must hold (or must apply for) a personal licence


If applying as an individual/s or a partnership, a copy of a document demonstrating your entitlement to work in the United Kingdom. Right To Work Acceptable Documents


 Application fee                 


The Licensing Team will email the Responsible Authorities with a copy of your application 


You must place a blue notice at the premises from the day after the application is valid and ensure it remains in place for 28 days      


You must place a public notice in a local newspaper within 10 working days from the day after the application is valid       

Things to think about when filling in your application form

  • What licensable activities your business or organisation aims to do both now and in the future
  • What impact could those activities have on the licensing objectives which are:
    • prevention of crime and disorder
    • prevention of public nuisance
    • public safety
    • protection of children
  • Applications for hours that are late at night  are more likely to cause concern to the responsible authorities or your neighbours
  • Sale of alcohol is a licensable activity, however, consumption of alcohol is not.  If you are not intending to have sale of alcohol in any outdoor areas you should still consider whether you need to include, within your licensed premises, any garden areas or outdoor areas in relation to consumption of alcohol so that alcohol consumed here can still be treated as on sales.   If  you want to have a garden included within your licensed premises you should identify this on your plans.  If you choose to not include the garden as part of the licensed premises, drinks that are bought to be consumed there will count as off supplies and any conditions that relate to off sales would apply.

  • There are a number of exemptions including one for live and recorded music between 08:00 and 23:00 at licensed premises that have on sales of alcohol.  This means that if your application includes on-sales of alcohol you do not need to include music on the application form unless you want music after 23:00. Incidental music is also exempt at any time.  Please see fact sheet for further information. Regulated Entertainment Factsheet 

  • If appropriate you may wish to discuss your intentions with the relevant responsible authorities for example the Police and Environmental Health Noise Team. This will save you time and effort and could avoid representations being made against your application.

New premises licence application forms

You can apply online through There is facility to pay online through website.

Application forms if you want to apply by email, post or deliver by hand.

Address: Stroud District Council, Ebley Mill, Ebley Wharf, Stroud, GL5 4UB


Telephone: 01453 754440

If you apply by email, post or deliver your application by hand you will need to contact the licensing team and make the payment over the telephone.


Plans of the premises to be licensed must be included with the application.  The plans must be drawn to scale (1:100cm) and must show:

  • Boundary of area to be covered by the premises licence – this may include outside areas. It is helpful if you outline this boundary in red ink
  • Show the areas where different licensable activities will take place including consumption of alcohol if appropriate
  • All access and egress points including escape routes
  • Any fixed structures which may impact on the ability of individuals at the premises to leave the building safely.
  • Location of fire safety equipment


The fee is dependant on the non domestic rateable value (NDRV) of the premises. This is not the same as the actual business rate which you pay, but it is a value determined by the Valuation Office.  The NDRV of any premises can be checked on the Valuation Office Agency’s website  

Once a licence is granted you will have to pay an annual fee on the anniversary of the grant date.

Representation Period and Notices

When we receive your application we will acknowledge receipt and confirm whether it is valid. If your application is unclear or missing anything we will contact you.  The representation period will not start until the application is valid.

 A 28 day representation period will start the day after your application is valid. Once the representation period starts you must display a blue notice at the premises and take out a newspaper notice. See below for the template and more details.

Blue Notice - It is the applicants responsibility to advertise the  application by displaying a pale blue notice – size at least A4, with black printing or type equal to or greater than font size 16 placed in a prominent position at or on the premises concerned where it can be conveniently read from the exterior of the premises.  If the premises cover more than 50 metres square, further blue notices must be placed every 50 metres along the external perimeter of the premises abutting any highway.

This notice must be displayed for not less than 28 consecutive days following the day on which the application was valid. 

Newspaper Notice - The applicant must advertise the application in a local newspaper circulating in the vicinity of the premises, such as the Stroud News & Journal, Dursley Gazette or any other local newspaper.  The newspaper notice must be circulated on at least one occasion within 10 working days, starting on the day after the application was given to Stroud District Council Licensing Team.  The newspaper notice should contain the same information as  the blue notice.

The application will be invalid if the applicant has not displayed the blue notice and/or placed a notice in the newspaper in the timescales above.

What happens next?

The responsible authorities or any other person such as local residents or Town or Parish Councils, can make representation about your application.  A representation must relate to one or more of the Licensing objectives.  Representations must be made during the 28 days representation period. 

The responsible authorities may contact you during the representation period to discuss any concerns they may have.

If there are no relevant representations from the responsible authorities or other persons your licence will be granted at the end of the representation period in the terms that you applied for.

However, if a relevant representation has been received, the Licensing Section will arrange a hearing before a panel of the Licensing and Regulation Committee.  The date for this will be within 20 working days from the end of the representation period. The applicant and all relevant parties that submitted representations will be invited to attend the hearing.  At the hearing all parties will have an opportunity to put forward their case and the hearing panel will then make a decision.  The decision may be:

  • Grant the licence in the terms applied for
  • Grant the licence with conditions. This could include reduced hours or removing a licensable activity
  • Refuse the application


Any person aggrieved by the decision of the hearing has a right to appeal to the Magistrates Courts within 21 days of being notified of the decision.

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