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Street Trading Fees

Street Trading Fees
From April 2024

 Licence Type


 Consultation Fee

 There is a non-refundable fee to cover the cost of administering the consultation. This fee   must be paid when submitting an application. An application will not be valid until the   consultation fee has been paid.


 New or Variation Application for a Mobile Consent


 New or Variation Application for a Static Consent


 Long Term Consent Fees


 Mobile Traders – Per quarter


 Mobile Traders – Per Annum


 Static Traders  – Per Quarter


 Static Traders – Per Annum


 Short Term Consent

 Granted for a period of up to 7 days.


 Short Term Consent – First day


 Short Term Consent – Additional days


 Short Term Consent for Community and Charitable Events

 NB – there is provision for organisers of community and charitable events to request that the   fee is waived.


Short Term Consent up to 7 consecutive days


Market Consent


Per Annum for 1 day per week.


Last reviewed: