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Business Continuity

Why do you need a business continuity plan?

No one wants to imagine that their business will suffer any damage or loss and hopefully this will be the case but planning for such an eventuality will help you recover quickly if the unthinkable does happen

Did you know?

  • 80% of businesses affected by a major incident close down within 18 months
  • 90% of businesses that lose data from a disaster go out of business within 2 years
  • Only 47% of organisations have a specific Business Continuity Plan in place
  • 94% of organisations who have invoked their Business Continuity Plan agreed that they had significantly reduced the impact of disruption
  • 43% of organizations over the past year were disrupted by loss of IT, while over 1 in 3 experienced loss of people (35%). 30% experienced loss of telecommunications.

Source: Chartered Management Institute Business Continuity Survey

What should you plan for?

There are many events that can cause disruption to a business. There are a few examples listed below, however this is not exhaustive as there may be something that is specific to your business.

  • Large scale temporary absence of staff
  • Permanent on long term loss of staff
  • Denial of site or geographical area
  • Loss of mains electricity or gas
  • Disruption to transport
  • Loss of mains water and sewerage
  • Loss of availability of oil and fuel
  • Loss of electronic communications


This guidance is provided as general information about planning for emergencies. It is not intended to replace detailed guidance and planning specific for your business. You should consider whether you need to obtain this.

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