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Apply to the Household Support fund

The Household Support Fund is available through Gloucestershire County Council to support households who are experiencing financial hardship. The fund can help with the costs of food, energy and water bills and other essential items. When you apply you will be asked to provide some kind of evidence to show your loss of income or increased living costs. For full information on how to apply please visit their webpage or call for advice if you cannot apply online. 

Council Tax Support

You may be eligible for council tax support through Stroud District Council if you receive certain benefits or are on low income. You can find out more on our website.

Food Parcels and Fuel Vouchers

Stroud Foodbank can support you with food parcels or fuel vouchers. Please ask us to refer you if you are in food or fuel emergency. 

Call us on 01453 766321 and dial 0 for Customer Services or email

Pension Credits

If you’re over State Pension age, check if you’re eligible for Pension Credit.

Pension Credit provides extra money for living costs and access to other help. Around a third of eligible pensioners don’t claim Pension Credit – often because they don't know they can or that they need to. Find out if you’re eligible and how much you could get using the Pension Credit calculator. People of State Pension age may be entitled to Pension Credit even though they may have modest savings, or a retirement income or own their own home. An award of Pension Credit can provide access to a range of other benefits such as help with housing costs, Council Tax, heating bills and, for those aged 75 or over, a free TV licence.

Check if you can claim a discretionary housing payment

If Housing Benefit or Universal Credit doesn't cover all your rent, check to see if you can make a claim for a discretionary housing payment. 

Tenant Support Fund

If you are a Council tenant facing financial hardship, you may be entitled to financial assistance through our new discretionary Tenant Support Fund. This fund is available to all Council tenants including those in independent living, temporary accommodation and for the rental element of shared ownership. Payments are discretionary and by application. For further detail please contact your housing officer.

Check your eligibility for Carer's Allowance

If you are a carer, you may be entitled to Carer’s Allowance and/or an extra amount called the ‘carer element’ within Universal Credit. This could mean £69.70 a week in Carer's Allowance if you care for someone at least 35 hours a week and you, the person you care for and the type of care you provide meets the criteria.

Seek advice about money worries

If you’re in debt, seek advice early rather than let things spiral out of control. Contact Citizens Advice Stroud and Cotswolds, StepChange, National Debtline for help. There is also the local charity P3 who can provide support and advice around financial skills, dealing with debt, education and employment

Seek advice about money worries

If you’re in debt, seek advice early rather than let things spiral out of control. Contact Citizens Advice Stroud and Cotswolds, StepChange, National Debtline for help. There is also the local charity P3 who can provide support and advice around financial skills, dealing with debt, education and employment

Seek advice about money worries

If you’re in debt, seek advice early rather than let things spiral out of control. Contact Citizens Advice Stroud and Cotswolds, StepChange, National Debtline for help. There is also the local charity P3 who can provide support and advice around financial skills, dealing with debt, education and employment

Seek advice about money worries

If you’re in debt, seek advice early rather than let things spiral out of control. Contact Citizens Advice Stroud and Cotswolds, StepChange, National Debtline for help. There is also the local charity P3 who can provide support and advice around financial skills, dealing with debt, education and employment

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