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Mental health support

Mental health support

Looking after our mental health and wellbeing is important.  There are a variety of organisations and websites that may be able to offer you the support, advice and help you need – whether in person, over the phone, via text, self-help or in group community settings: 

Every Mind Matters

The Every Mind Matters website offers advice and practical steps that people can take to support their wellbeing and manage their mental health.

Be Well Gloucestershire

Be Well Gloucestershire is a local campaign to help when stress, anxiety, isolation and other challenges become hard to deal with. The Be Well Gloucestershire website is the start of what will be a central hub for anyone who needs help or support for themselves or a loved one. Working alongside local organisations, charities and communities, we will develop resources to enable more people to access mental health and wellbeing support for those who live in the county.

Other national charities you can contact are:

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