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Reading Teachers = Reading Pupils

Working in partnership with Cheltenham Literature Festival and local schools

Cheltenham Literature Festival has previously funded and delivered the reading groups across Gloucestershire. Working with the Learning and Participation Manager at Cheltenham Literature Festival and local schools, David Rawlings, CYP Development Officer is now the Independent Partner for the Stroud District teachers reading group.

There are five meetings per academic year, with a launch in October.

Reading Teachers = Reading Pupils (RTRP) ignites a love of reading in teachers and children.

RTRP is a national network of teachers reading groups designed to inspire children to read for pleasure because research shows that children who read for pleasure experience high levels of well-being, engage in learning and are successful in life. 

What does RTRP involve?

The expectation is that teachers read the books, turn up to group meetings, contribute to the discussion and share the books with children in their classes.

Please follow this link to register:

The main aim of the programme is to generate teachers’ enthusiasm for reading so that teachers are motivated to share this enthusiasm.

Teachers will want to join the RTRP group to:

  • increase their knowledge and love of children’s books, selected annually by an expert panel
  • share and generate teaching ideas
  • build ideas for developing their school reading community
  • join a national network of teachers and writers
  • raise standards of reading and writing