Housing Strategy Consultation
Date of consultation: 18 November 2024
End date: 26 January 2025
Stroud District Council’s Housing Strategy sets out our long-term plans across all the housing activities that the council gets involved with. One of our key aims is to increase the supply of affordable housing, both through our own development programme but also by working with partners and through the planning system.
Equally important is the district’s existing housing stock, both those properties which are owned and managed by the council and privately owned properties. It’s essential that we focus our activities on the most vulnerable households and the properties which are most in need of our intervention, whether that’s through improvements to homes or by helping residents tackle problems such as fuel poverty.
For the first time, the new Housing Strategy incorporates the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping strategies. We’ve done this because homelessness and rough sleeping are inseparable from the overall housing picture in the area, and we can’t prevent or relieve homelessness unless there are sufficient homes available at affordable prices for the households that need them.
Our intention is that the strategy will guide our work and that of our partners on housing issues, either directly, or by being taken into account as other plans and strategies are developed.
This Housing Strategy is current at a draft stage, and we would value your views on housing in the district to help us prioritise our resources.
Please let us know what you think of our priorities, and whether there’s anything else we should be focussing on, by emailing us at housing.strategy@stroud.gov.uk