Private Sector Housing Renewal Policy 2025-30
Date of consultation: 18 November 2024
End date: 19 January 2025
Article 3 of the Regulatory Reform (Housing Assistance) (England and Wales) Order 2002 places a duty on the Council to adopt and Publish a Private Sector Housing Renewal Policy which details any assistance for housing renewal in the private sector it intends to provide. This includes assistance for homeowners and tenants living in the private rented sector and social housing but, not those in Council owned housing. The policy was last reviewed in 2018 and this current review has taken into account the results of a recent Stock Condition survey and legislative changes that have occurred. Current interventions to improve housing that make a positive difference to public health and reduce health inequalities are explained. A brief overview of relevant national policy demonstrates why housing must sit on the public health agenda and the condition of private sector housing within the district is set out. Finally, details on policy implementation are provided and potential sources of assistance, both financial and non-financial are given. The policy will help in targeting where the Council’s limited resources will be directed to address the most need.
Consultation responses to be sent in writing by midnight on the 19th January 2025 either by email to with the subject line ‘Consultation Response Private Sector Housing Renewal Policy 2025-30 and must include your name and the capacity in which you are responding, or, by hard copy again referenced as above and sent to Environmental Health, Council Offices, Ebley Mill, Ebley Wharf, Ebley, Stroud. GL5 4UB.