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Postal voting

Apply for a postal vote if you can't get to your polling station on the day of an election.

Voting by post is an easy and convenient way of voting if you cannot get to your polling station on polling day.

When voting by post we will send you a postal voting statement and your ballot paper(s) to the address you have requested.  You are required to provide your date of birth and signature on the postal vote statement which you must return with your ballot papers. We check this information against the information you supply on your application form to make sure that no one else can use your vote.

Postal ballot papers are usually delivered 2 weeks before an election. If you will be on holiday or out of the country, we would strongly recommend that you nominate a proxy instead of voting by post.

You can set up a postal vote for a maximum 3 year period where you will then be required to reapply for your postal vote, set it up for a specific election or for a period up to 3 years.

Political parties and campaigners will be banned from handling postal vote packs.

There is a limit on the number of postal vote packs that a person can hand in at a polling station or at the Council offices, where possible please post your postal vote packs back to us in plenty of time ahead of polling day. 

An elector is only able to deliver their own plus five other postal votes either at a polling station or Council office. The elector will also be required to complete a declaration to confirm the number of postal votes being handed in and if exceeding the maximum limit, they will be rejected. 

Apply to vote by post online

Electors can now apply to vote by post online and will be required to provide their National Insurance Number to verify their identity. 

To apply online, click the following link:
Apply for a postal vote - GOV.UK (

If applying online you will also be asked to upload a clear copy or scan of your signature on a piece of plain white paper as part of your application. 

Apply to vote by post via paper application

If you cannot apply online, postal vote application forms are available to download below or can be obtained from Electoral Services by emailing or calling 01453 766321.

Postal Vote Application Form

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