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Care Leaver discounts (with effect from 1 April 2019)

Care Leaver discounts (with effect from 1 April 2024)

With effect from 1 April 2019 Stroud District Council is introducing a care leavers discount scheme.

To qualify for this discount a person must be

  1. Aged between 18 & 21 (the discount will cease on the care leaver’s 22nd birthday)
  2. Formerly in the care of Gloucestershire County Council & a Former Relevant Child as defined by The Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000.
  3. Must be resident and liable (either solely or joint and severally with others) for Council Tax on a property within the Stroud District.

If a property is occupied solely by Care Leaver(s) a 100% discount will be awarded, and if a Care Leaver occupies and is jointly liable with others a 50% discount will be awarded.

To confirm entitlement to the discount your Care Leaver status will be verified with Gloucestershire County Councils 11 – 25 Permanency Service.

Please contact the Council Tax helpline on 01453 766321 or email on to request a form.

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