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Care Leaver discounts (with effect from 1 April 2024)

Care Leaver discounts (with effect from 1 April 2024)

With effect from 1 April 2024 a care leaver’s discount may be applicable for those aged between 18 -24 who are leaving the care of Gloucestershire County Council or other local authority in England and who are liable to pay Council Tax in the Stroud district.

To qualify for this discount a person must be:

  1. Aged between 18 & 24 (the discount will cease on the care leaver’s 25th birthday)
  2. Formerly in the care of Gloucestershire County Council or another local authority in England and a Former Relevant Child as defined by The Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000.
  3. Must be resident and liable (either solely or joint and severally with others) for Council Tax on a property within the Stroud District.

If a property is occupied solely by Care Leaver(s) a 100% discount will be awarded, and if a Care Leaver occupies and is jointly liable with others a 50% discount will be awarded.

To confirm entitlement to the discount your Care Leaver status will be verified with Gloucestershire County Councils 11 – 25 Permanency Service or the relevant local authority 18-25 Permanency Service.

Please contact the Council Tax helpline on 01453 766321 or email on to request a form.

Last reviewed: