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Big Community Switch

Switch energy supplier and save £250

If you already know about the Big Community Switch sign up here, otherwise read on to find out more...

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to save over £250 without cutting back on anything? Well, with The Big Community Switch you could. Over a thousand people in Gloucestershire have signed up and we think it’s a great opportunity for you to take advantage of cheaper gas and electricity.

How does it work?

If a large number of people want to change supplier together they are likely to get a better deal than just one person shopping around and switching on their own. That’s what the Big Community Switch is all about – getting lots of people together and getting a better price. The scheme is run by Gloucestershire County Council, and already, local residents who have signed up have saved an average of £279 a year on their bills.

The more households that register their interest in switching, the more attractive it becomes for an energy supplier to offer a competitive price – so get your friends and neighbours to sign up too!

Can I apply?

Whether you’re on a single or dual tariff or if you have a pre-payment meter, the Big Community Switch could be for you. And don’t forget you could save over £250 without having to give anything up as you’ll receive gas and electricity as normal – just cheaper.

What do I need to do?

The simplest way to take part is to visit online or call 0800 048 8285 (lines open Monday to Friday, 8:00am - 5:30pm).

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