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When is planning permission required?

If you want to build an extension to your property or do other work to your home, or if you want to expand your business or change the use of your premises, you may need to apply for planning permission.

Some minor alterations and extensions such as conservatories, particularly to houses, can often be carried out without the need for planning permission. This is known as permitted development.

Development permitted under General Consent, including permitted development can also be liable for Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

Planning Portal - How to find out if you need planning permission

You can use the interactive house and guides on the Planning Portal website to see if you are likely to require planning permission.

Search online for basic constraints (conservation area, area of outstanding natural beauty, article 4s or flood zone) on the dwelling. Please note this does not include listed buildings, these can be searched at Historic England.

Permitted development rights can be removed from a site either with an Article 4 direction or by condition in your planning history. To find out whether your permitted development rights have been removed or limited by condition you can use our search function system to search the planning history.

Article 4s can be on properties or land, these can be seen on an interactive map. For properties details of the Article 4 can be seen on the conservation area appraisal.

Many adverts can be erected without requiring express consent, this depends on certain criteria.

Further advice

If you wish for written advice from the local planning authority please use the pre-application advice service.