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Adoption of CIL at Stroud District Council

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allows local authorities in England and Wales to raise funds from developers undertaking new building projects in their area. The money can be used to fund a wide range of infrastructure that is needed as a result of development.

The Government’s intention for this is that the levy will provide a fairer, faster and more certain system than planning obligations which can cause delay as a result of lengthy negotiations. As CIL is chargeable for every development (e.g. a single dwelling) rather than confined to major schemes (as with existing legal agreements) it is likely to substantially increase the financial resources available to councils to pay for future infrastructure. In addition, 15% of all CIL collected (and 25% if a Neighbourhood Plan is in place) will be given directly to the Parish or Town Council in which the development is located to provide the community infrastructure considered necessary by that council.

A CIL Examiner was appointed to consider the Draft Charging Schedule and the representations received.  A report with recommendations was received by the Council on 17th October 2016.

CIL Consultation

The Planning Strategy team worked on the consultation and adoption stages of CIL. The following documents and reports detail the process prior to implementation and adoption:

Council approved and adopted the CIL Charging Schedule at a meeting on 9th February 2017 with implementation taking place on the 1st April 2017.

Local Plan Consultation

As part of the Local Plan process, SDC consulted on the contents of Local Plan Core Policy CP6 - Infrastructure and Developer Contributions.  The policy was subject to public examination in June 2015 and was approved by a Government Inspector.