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Bird enhancement biodiversity specification

House Sparrows are a priority species and classified as Red under the Birds of Conservation Concern (2021).  They live in colonies, nesting in crevices and holes in buildings, among bushes and in nestboxes.  House Sparrow terraces are available in externally mounted or integrated models, with externally mounted boxes suitable to be mounted onto mature trees.

Installation and Maintenance:

  • A minimum of 3m (10ft) above ground.
  • Facing North or East on buildings or mature trees.
  • In a location which will not be in direct sunlight
  • Away from doorways, well used paths, windows, or any features which can be used by predators (pipes, vegetation or vents).
  •  Installation should be in accordance with manufacturer guidance.
  • Old nesting material should be removed between October and January only.


  •  Woodcrete, Woodstone or equivalent models should be used for external nesting features.  Wooden boxes tend to deteriorate and warp, which can reduce the ability for the nest box to insulate against cold and heat.
  •  House Sparrow terraces should be installed in a pair as a minimum.

Swifts are classified as Red under the Birds of Conservation Concern (2021), with populations in decline.  Swifts are summer visitors and spend almost their entire lives on the wing.  Swift bricks are hollow blocks designed to hold a nest inside and are installed into the outer walls of buildings.  Swift boxes are designed to be installed externally, mounted on the side of buildings in suitable locations.  As they rely entirely on nesting in buildings, the inclusion of swift nesting features can boost local populations. 

Installation and maintenance:

  •  A minimum of 5m (16ft) above ground.
  •   Facing North or East on buildings. If installed on other elevations, swift bricks/nest boxes must be underneath eaves to shelter them from sunlight.
  • Away from doorways, well used paths, windows, or any features which can be used by predators (pipes, vegetation or vents).
  • A minimum of two bricks/nest boxes should be installed, at least 1m apart.
  • In unobstructed locations where vegetation, cables or other objects will not impact swift’s access.
  • Installation should be in accordance with manufacturer guidance.
  • As swifts are discreet and clean birds, no maintenance is required.


  • Swift bricks/nest boxes come in a variety of designs.  Products designed specifically for swifts should be selected for installation.

House Martins are classified Red under the Birds of Conservation Concern (2021), arriving in the UK in April and leaving in October.  House Martins construct nests from mud, usually under ledges, on cliffs and under the eaves of houses. 

Installation and maintenance:

  • A minimum of 2m (6.5ft) above ground, ideally at the apex of the roof.
  • Facing North or East on buildings.
  • Away from doorways, well used paths, windows, or any features which can be used by predators (pipes, vegetation or vents).
  •  House Martin droppings can accumulate underneath nest cups, so nest cups should not be installed above doorways.
  • A board to catch droppings can be installed. These must be installed at least 2m beneath the nest cup.
  •  Installation should be in accordance with manufacturer guidance.
  • No maintenance is required.


  • Woodcrete, Woodstone or equivalent models should be used for externally mounted nest cups. 

The swallow is a summer visitor, present in the UK from April to October.  Swallows construct nests from mud and straw in dark areas of farm buildings, outbuildings and under the eaves of houses.

Installation and maintenance:

  •  A minimum of 2m (6.5ft) above ground, ideally in the rafters.
  • Within a dark, open-fronted structure such as a stable, log store, under barn eaves or sizeable car port.
  • A small opening must be present, at least 50mm high and 200mm wide.
  •  Installation should be in accordance with manufacturer guidance, with a minimum of 6cm free above the nest cup.  Nest cups should be installed at least 1m from other nest cups.
  •  A board to catch droppings can be installed.  These must be installed beneath the nest cup.
  • No maintenance is required.


  • Woodcrete, Woodstone or equivalent models should be used for externally mounted nest cups. 
Last reviewed: