Stroud railway station was first designated as a conservation area in November 1986. A 2007 review of the neighbouring conservation areas in Stroud town centre resulted in part of the Station conservation area (at Rowcroft and Station Road) being transferred to a new Stroud Town Centre conservation area in April 2008.
At the same time, the Stroud Station conservation area was included within a review of the adjoining Industrial Heritage Conservation Area (IHCA). The resulting IHCA Conservation Area Statement and Design Guide were both adopted as Supplementary Planning Advice (SPA) by the Council in November 2008.
The Stroud IHCA CAS and Design Guide
These documents apply to the Industrial Heritage Conservation Area (IHCA), to the Stroud Station CA and to six other conservation areas, which together form the swathe of protected land associated with the Stroud valleys’ historic industrial environment.
The Conservation Area Statement contains information about the character and special significance of the affected conservation areas. Along with the Design Guide, it also provides guidelines and management proposals for the conservation and enhancement of the conservation area, which are used to guide the interpretation and application of Development Plan policies, including Local Plan policy ES10.
The Stroud IHCA Conservation Area Statement (November 2008)
The Stroud IHCA Design Guide (November 2008)
The Industrial Heritage Conservation Area review looked at the whole of the existing Industrial Heritage Conservation Area (IHCA) and the land immediately adjacent to it, including parts of ten other conservation areas that abut it.
You can check the current conservation area boundaries by using the Local Plan online mapping facility or Planning Constraints maps:
View current conservation area boundaries