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Trees and your property

Trees and your property

Do I need consent from the Council to fell trees in my garden?

Only if they are protected by a Tree Preservation Order, within a Conservation Area or there is a condition of planning consent relating to the trees. If you are a tenant and not the owner of the trees you may need consent from the owner.

View the interactive map to check whether the trees are in a conservation area or protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO).

Do I need consent to fell trees on my land, where it is not part of the garden?

Again, you must check if it is protected by a Tree Preservation Order, is located in a Conservation Area or if the trees are large enough to require a Felling Licence from the Forestry Authority.

Problems with neighbouring trees

Your common law rights allow you to remove branches that cross over your boundary without the need to seek your neighbour's permission. However, it is always advisable to let your neighbour know of your intentions before cutting any branches.

If you have concerns about a neighbours tree, for example, it might be blocking light ask your neighbour how they intend to maintain it: you may be able to cut the overhanging branches back to the boundary. However, before either you or your neighbour undertake work to any tree it is important to check they are not covered by a TPO.


If a tree is growing on a boundary, the issue of ownership can be complicated. Often the only way to determine ownership is through a Land Registry search (Tel: 01733 288288) or by studying your deeds. If ownership is still not clear then both parties would have to come to a mutual arrangement.

It is also possible either Stroud District Council or Gloucester Highways own the tree.

Council owned trees

If you have concerns over trees on public land owned by Stroud District Council please contact:

If you have concerns over trees on council properties owned by Stroud District Council please contact:

Gloucestershire County Council Highways

If you have concerns over any tree on Gloucestershire County Council owned land report it on their website at

Financial help from the Stroud District Council

There is not currently any financial support for work to trees on privately owned land through Stroud District Council.

All advice above is for your guidance and cannot be considered to be a legal opinion.



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