Tricorn House was built in the early 1970’s and was used as an office building for the Government Department of Health and Social Security. It was vacated in 1996 and has been largely empty since that time, falling into disrepair and becoming increasingly derelict. The site has had a number of different planning consents to be redeveloped over the years, but none of these have been progressed by the owners, until now. The current planning consent that is being implemented is for a conversion of the building into 44 residential apartments.
Tricorn House was built in the early 1970’s and was used as an office building for the Government Department of Health and Social Security. It was vacated in 1996 and has been largely empty since that time, falling into disrepair and becoming increasingly derelict. The site has had a number of different planning consents to be redeveloped over the years, but none of these have been progressed by the owners, until now. The current planning consent that is being implemented is for a conversion of the building into 44 residential apartments.
Tricorn House was built in the early 1970’s and was used as an office build