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Walking and Cycling Fund Prioritisation Tool Criteria

Applications for funding will be assessed against the following criteria:

1/ Alignment with Policies / Plans

• Is the scheme in a policy or plan (NDP, LCWIP, Local Plan)

• Links to strategic network

• Propensity to cycle tool analysis

2/ Wider Benefits

• Potential for modal shift (access to wider travel choices)

• Levelling up (i.e. does it support a disadvantaged area)

• Environmental sensitivities (is it in an AONB, Conservation Area


3/ Deliverability

• Complexity of solution

• Need for third party land

• Match funding available

4/ Fundamentals

• Stage of development (concept/plan/feasibility/shovel ready)

• Ability to improve safety

• Ability to improve accessibility and inclusivity

• Segregation of route from traffic

• Enable economic development (e.g links to businesses)