Display: Fossil Fish From The Jurassic Seas
Time11:00am to 5:30pm
CostFree of charge
Come and see a small selection of the stunningly well-preserved fish, complete with scales, fins and eyeballs. You won’t believe they are over 180 million years old.
These fossilised fish and other marine creatures once swam in the tropical waters of the early Jurassic period, when the Mendip hills were islands and dinosaurs roamed the land. Frozen in time (together with their droppings and stomach contents), they now offer a fascinating glimpse into a long-gone ecosystem.
Don’t miss the chance to see the eye-popping pachycormus fish fossil, which is kindly on loan from Sally and Neville Hollingworth.
Foyer display
FREE, donations welcome
Conserved by Nigel Larkin with Sally and Neville Hollingworth with the aid of a grant from the AIM Pilgrim Trust Conservation Scheme and the assistance of The Curry Fund of the Geologists’ Association www.geologistsassociation.org.uk.