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I want to apply to the Housing Register

Stroud District Council is part of the Gloucestershire Homeseekerplus Scheme – a choice based lettings scheme – which is a system for letting social housing that is designed to offer more choice and participation for applicants in selecting a new social rented home.

What is the Housing Register?
The Homeseeker Plus Partnership is a group of councils and housing providers who work together to provide homes across the scheme. If you are interested in accommodation, you need to register so we can check you are eligible for housing in the UK and that you qualify for accommodation in the Homeseeker Plus area. Available homes to rent or buy are advertised on the Homeseeker Plus website. You can see what properties are available and ‘bid’ to tell us which ones you like.
There are five simple steps to applying for a social rented home in Gloucestershire:

  1. Register with Homeseeker Plus at
  2. You will receive an email or letter which will contain your banding details.
  3. Look at the adverts for homes on the website
  4. Bid for a home you like. You can have up to three bids every week.
  5. If you have been successful, the Landlord will make contact to offer you a home.

If you have been unsuccessful, keep checking the website as properties can be advertised daily.

If you have been successful, please visit our tenant pages here.

These five steps and more information can be found in the Easy Read Homeseekers Plus leaflet here.

For more information or help, you can call us on 01453 766321:

  • Monday to Thursday, 8:45am to 5:00pm
  • Friday 8:45am to 4:30pm

You can also email us via or you can write to us at:

Housing Advice Team
Stroud District Council
Ebley Mill
Ebley Wharf

If you are at imminent risk of becoming homeless, you can find more information here.

If you wish to apply for a transfer, you can find more information here.

If you wish to swap your home, you can find more information here.