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Sign up

Your 'sign up' will usually take place at Ebley Mill council offices.  At 'sign up' an Officer will:

  • give you a tenant sign-up pack and go through it with you 
  • explain your rights and what is expected of you as a tenant
  • introduce you to online information about being a tenant
  • tell you about council services such as refuse and recycling collections
  • request a month's rent and agree a method of future rent payments
  • hand over the keys*

Your Tenancy agreement is a legal contract between you (the tenant) and Stroud District Council (your landlord). It sets out your rights and responsibilities as a tenant and our responsibilities as landlord.

We strongly advise that you have spare keys cut and leave them with a relative or friend who you trust.  We do not keep spare sets of keys so if you lock yourself out and have no spare key, you will need to call and pay for a locksmith.   

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