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Ways we can help

Depending on the type and severity of anti-social behaviour there are a range of things we can do:

  • arrange for the installation of noise monitoring equipment
  • provide observation sheets to record incidents
  • remove any offensive or abusive, obscene or threatening graffiti
  • offer you security improvements if your personal safety is at serious risk
  • investigate temporary accommodation for you if it is not possible for you to remain or return to your home
  • identify with you any other support needs you may have and discuss how these might be addressed
  • provide you with suitable support where required including before and at court
  • refer you to Victim Support, should you require it

In certain cases of anti-social behaviour and neighbour disputes, we will use an independent mediation service to empower people to work together to resolve their problems.  Solutions are proposed by the parties themselves, enabling them to remain in control of any outcomes.  Resolutions are only created if all parties are in full agreement.   Although agreements made are not legally binding, parties are more likely to adhere to them because they have created them themselves.

Some of the indicators which might suggest that mediation is ideal are:

  • parties seem to be misinterpreting each other's behaviour
  • parties used to be friends
  • parties have never properly met
  • there is alleged discrimination between parties; for example based on race, sexuality, gender, age
  • parties have different lifestyles

Your Housing Officer will discuss with you whether or not your complaint or dispute should be referred to a mediation service.

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