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What we do

When you report an incident to us, we will:

  • respond within five working days or if it is a high risk within 24 hours*
  • meet you where you feel most safe
  • respect confidentiality
  • carry out a thorough investigation
  • be clear about what we can and can’t do
  • agree on a way forward together (an action plan)
  • keep you up-to-date with what’s happening
  • provide support throughout the process

*or the next working day if the incident is reported on a Friday or a Bank Holiday. 

For more details, see our Anti-Social Behaviour policy.

Do keep in mind that a good neighbour needs to be reasonably tolerant and understanding of other peoples’ comfort, lifestyle and needs.  Before complaining consider whether it is a question of lifestyle and whether your reaction is reasonable by discussing this with a member of your family or your Housing Officer who might help you in deciding this.

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