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Major repair work

From time to time we may have to carry out major work to your block such as re-roofing.  If this will cost more than £250 for each flat, we will class it as a major work.  If you have bought your flat from us under the Right to Buy scheme, you will have a schedule listing the major work we have planned for five years after the date you bought your flat.  This is the only major work that we can charge you for during the five year period.

Consultation on major works
Under section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, you are entitled to be formally consulted before we plan to carry out major repair work.
Except in emergencies, we will consult with you about major repair work in accordance with legislation before we ask for tenders (this is when we ask companies to give us their prices and schedules of work).

We will send you detailed information on the tenders and process.  We will ask you to comment on the tenders and you can inspect them in further detail.  You will also be given an opportunity to nominate a contractor (although they will need to meet certain criteria).

Payment will be demanded on the next invoice for service charges following completion of the works. If the demand is for a large amount, you may have the right to apply for a government loan.

If you think you will have difficulty paying any invoice for service charges then please contact us as soon as possible for advice.

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