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Rent and service charges

The rent is the amount you pay on the share of your home which remains in Stroud District Council ownership. So, for example, if you have bought a 25% share, you will pay rent on the remaining 75%.

When rent is due and how to pay
You will pay rent by direct debit on the first of each month.  This makes payment simple and convenient for everyone as the payments are taken directly from your bank account.  Your rent will go up on April 1st each year by a set amount as agreed in your lease.  The council will tell you the amount you will have to pay for your new rent every March.

What happens if I can't pay my rent?
If you get into financial difficulties and can’t pay, please contact the council straight away.  If you miss a payment, the Housing Team will contact you.  If you are in genuine financial difficulty, they will do everything they can to help you.  They can arrange payment plans, put you in touch with your local benefit agency and if necessary, with a FREE independent qualified debt counsellor.  See our Help and support for money worries pages for more information about where you can get advice.

If you continue to not pay your rent and do not engage with us, recovery action may be taken incurring extra costs and you could also be at risk of losing your home.

What happens if I am unable to pay my mortgage
If you fall behind on your mortgage payments or you think it could happen, ask for help from your mortgage lender immediately.  If you do not get help, or your financial problems continue and you get into debt, the mortgage lender can repossess your home and repay your mortgage from the money it gets from the sale of your home.

If this happens you might lose all the money you put into your home, including the interest you have paid up to that point. The most important thing is to let us and your mortgage lender know, as soon as possible.

Even if the mortgage lender doesn’t take action, the council can still apply to court for a possession order and money judgement if you fail to keep up rent payments.  Again, this could result in you losing your home.

Claiming Universal Credit
If you fall into arrears because you lose your job or your income reduces, you may be eligible to claim universal credit towards your rent.  You will need to make a claim online here.  Please remember that neither Stroud District Council nor your lender wish to see you lose your home.  If you get into debt you must contact the Housing Team immediately.

Service charges
You may be liable to pay a service charge to cover the cost of providing services and repairs to communal areas and facilities. Your service charge is usually based on the previous year’s actual costs and charged in arrear.  Payments for service charges are taken monthly by direct debit with your rent.

Last reviewed: