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Subletting and safety

Gas safety
To avoid the risk of a serious explosion or carbon monoxide poisoning it is important to ensure that regular servicing and maintenance of gas equipment is carried out.

Landlords are required by law to service all gas-related equipment at least once every 12 months.  Landlords are also responsible for providing tenants with instructions for the safe use of gas appliances and equipment.

If you are a landlord, any gas appliances (e.g. boilers and heaters) within your property must be inspected annually by a registered gas engineer.  When an inspection and/or maintenance/repair work is carried out, the gas engineer will issue you with a Landlords Gas Safety Record (LGSR).  This is in line with regulatory standards laid down by Gas Safe, the government system of registration for gas engineers.

Electrical safety
The electrical wiring in your property must be safe and in good working order throughout.  You should have an inspection carried out every time you let your property (to ensure that your previous tenant hasn't made any changes).  Contact and electrician approved by the NIC/EIC or NIC/IEE and check that you are meeting all current regulations.

Keep a record of all electrical testing reports.

Other issues
Make sure your tenants know how to use the door-entry system and are aware of any parking restrictions.  You are also responsible for making sure that all your furniture and furnishings meet current safety regulations.

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