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Changing from Sole to Joint

In some instances, you can share responsibility for your tenancy by changing it from a sole tenancy to a joint one.  This is known as assignment.  An application to assign a joint tenancy must be agreed by your Housing Officer.

If your tenancy started before 1 April 2012 you can assign your tenancy to your:

  • spouse or civil partner, as long as they are living with you
  • cohabiting partner or another member of your family (this includes children, parents, siblings and most other close relatives), as long that person has been living with you for at least one year

If your tenancy started on or after 1 April 2012 you can assign your tenancy to:

  • your spouse or civil partner.  Also to a cohabiting partner, who has been living with you for at least one year. 

When changing your tenancy from ‘sole’ to ‘joint’, in addition to granting joint responsibility, you are also granting the ‘right of succession’.

The right of succession can only be granted once.

We will only say no if:

  • You have rent arrears
  • We have started eviction proceeding against you
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