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Stroud District Council offers free counselling services for couples facing relationship breakdown and for young people facing homelessness because parents/relatives/friends are no longer able or willing to accommodate.
Being made homeless accounts for a large number of housing applications. Stroud District Council recognises that for some housing applicants it is not possible to remain at home due to fear, violence or abuse. However, for many others, the security provided by home will enable an applicant to plan their future accommodation needs, often with the help of the Housing Advice Team.

For couples
Counselling provides an opportunity for both sides to talk in confidence about their view of the problem and then together see if a way forward can be agreed.

For young people (18-24)
Counselling provides an opportunity for young people and their parents/carers to talk in confidence about their view of the problem and then together see if a solution other than leaving home can be found.

The aim of this free counselling is to prevent homelessness and improve relationships.

Both services are available to anyone living in the Stroud district.

For more information on either of these Counselling Services, please contact the Housing Team.