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Housing repairs and maintenance

Homes which are cold, damp and dangerous can bring misery and ill health to the occupants. In Gloucestershire alone there are estimated to be 46,000 sub-standard homes.

Homeowners are responsible for the maintenance and repair of their own homes but those on low incomes or pensions can struggle with the costs of work and many need help finding reliable contractors. 

It’s important not to leave small defects which might develop into major repairs at a later date.  Regular maintenance can help to reduce overall costs in the long term. It’s advisable to plan for the future and save for inevitable work to your home.

Help with funding works

In Gloucestershire the Warm and Well project can advise homeowners on funding that may be available for insulation and heating improvements.  The link to energy website provides a resource for finding local trades people offering energy efficiency products.

Currently Stroud District offers a Healthy Home Loan which may help you address serious defects in your property.

Property defects

Private tenants should approach their landlord at the earliest opportunity if they become aware of a defect in the property. It is advisable to put this concern in writing so you have a record of it.

If after a reasonable time to put the matter right it remains unresolved or your landlord refuses to do any remedial work, then you can contact your local Council Private Sector Housing service for further advice. The Council can carry out a Housing Health and Safety Assessment of your home and has powers to order landlords to carry out work, issue fixed penalties or prosecute where offences occur.

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