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Finding a property

Where to look
Properties for rent are advertised on websites, in local newspapers or adverts in the local community (such as supermarkets). Letting agents who manage properties on behalf of landlords often have their own website or use websites such as Rightmove. For a list of letting agents that Stroud District Council have used before and websites that you may wish to look at, please see our Homelessness Prevention Fund leaflet (LINK).

Arranging a viewing
Once you have found a property, either through a website or in the newspaper, you will need to contact the letting agent or landlord to arrange to view the property. Landlords and letting agents will want to meet a prospective tenant before agreeing to let the property to them.

What to ask the landlord/checklist of things to consider
Remember that the property you are looking to rent will probably be your home for at least six months (or 12 months depending on the type of tenancy you have). You need to consider the local area and amenities, the condition of the property both inside and out and whether you can afford the rent. There are also certain things that the landlord should provide by law. 

I can’t afford the deposit, agency fees or rent in advance
The council can help to pay for the costs of setting up in a privately rented property. For households who are threatened with homelessness, the council’s Housing Advice Team can provide help through their Homelessness Prevention Fund (HPF) Scheme. For households who wish to move to a property in the Stroud district the council’s Environmental Health Team can provide help through their deposit bond for properties which meet the Fit to Rent standard.  

Households will need to contact the team to see if they are eligible.

There are also other organisations that households can apply to for financial help. The Local Welfare Fund is a good place to start and you can apply to them for help with rent in advance.

For more information on other funds available please contact the Homelessness Prevention Team.

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