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The Council, as the enforcement authority (EA) on the MEES Regulations, would investigate any breach of the Regulation. Where such breach is established, the landlord would be fined up to £5,000 and a Publication Penalty would be registered on the PRS Exemptions Register in respect of the breach. A publication penalty relates to the publication of certain information contained in a Penalty Notice on the PRS Exemptions Register. More than one penalty may be imposed, up to the maximum limit of £5,000. Full government guidance can be found on GOV.UK

The potential breach and maximum penalties under the MEES Regulations are listed below:

  • Where the letting of a property with an F or G rating is established for less than 3 months: £2000 fine and a publication penalty
  • Where the letting of a property with an F or G rating is established for more than 3 months: £4,000 fine and a publication penalty.
  • Where false or misleading information has been provided on the Exemption Register: £1,000 and a publication penalty.
  • Failing to comply with any served Compliance Notice under Regulation 37 of the MEES Regulations.

Further information can be found in the Stroud Council’s Enforcement policy for imposing financial and publication penalties under The Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015.

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