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Event banner application

Stroud District Council controls the use of the railings at London Road Car Park for the purpose of promoting local events.

Policy on banners

SDC has established the following guidelines to assist promoters of events in determining whether a banner will be permitted. The more criteria met by an event, the less likely refusal will be.

To obtain permission events must be:

  • At interval less frequent than monthly
  • Entertainment, sporting or cultural
  • Promoting charitable organisations/proceeds being given to charity
  • Non-party political
  • Within Stroud District
  • No more than 2 banners are allowed at any one time
  • Size guidance 1m (high) x 3m (wide)
  • Approval for events not meeting any of these criteria is at the discretion of SDC

Please note:

  • Bookings may only be made for a maximum of two weeks
  • Banners must be taken down by the owner at the end of the booked period
  • The Council accepts no liability for loss or damage to banners at any time
  • If the Council takes down a banner after a booked period has expired it will be kept for 2 weeks before being disposed of.

Banner application form