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Liable Development and Charging Schedule

Stroud District Council has created a charging schedule in line with government regulations to show which applications will be liable to pay Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) from the implementation date 01/04/2017.

Development liable for CIL

  • You are creating a new dwelling (of any size)
  • You are increasing the floor area by 100m² or more
  • You are converting a building that is not in use
  • You are creating a supermarket or retail warehouse or extending an existing premises by 100m² or more

View and download the detailed list of what is and isn't CIL liable 

For more information on how the levy is calculated 

You can view and download our "Determining in use" guidance sheet


CIL payments must be index linked from the year that CIL was introduced to the year that the planning permission has been granted.  We must use the national All-In Tender Price Index published by the Build Cost Information Service (BCIS) of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.  This is set by the legislation CIL is underpinned by.

View the current rates here. This document is updated annually.

Charging rates

The table below shows the CIL rates by type of development as of 1st April 2017:

Type of development

CIL rates £/m²

New additional floorspace (Gross internal area)



Strategic sites identified in the Local Plan


Residential sites within the Stroud Valleys area*


Supermarkets and Retail Warehouses


Please note: The above table shows the base rates set at Stroud District Council which are subject to annual indexation. The rate will increase or decrease accordingly each year.

*Because of issues of viability, residential proposals on land within the Stroud Valleys charging zone (brownfield sites within the boundaries of the Industrial Heritage Conservation Area) are exempt. Applications for supermarkets and retail warehouses in this area will still be liable.

To check if your residential development falls within the exemption area, please check on our interactive link (the CIL exemption area is outlined in blue).

The large housing sites allocated in the Local Plan (Policies SA1-SA5a) are also exempt from CIL, because of the costs associated with the provision of on-site infrastructure. This is on the basis that developers are required to meet their own site infrastructure costs and these are as set out in the CIL Viability Study.

Further details on our Charging Schedule and other CIL policies can be found below: