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Wharfdale Way and Boakes Drive Canal Side Improvements

Work will begin shortly on some improvements to the District Council’s former garage site and play area at Wharfdale Way. Improvements to the Court View Newt ponds and wildflower planting on Boakes Drive greens are also planned.

The work is being carried out as part of the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust’s Wild Towns project, which has received European funding and is being match funded by Stonehouse Town Council and Stroud District Council.  The aim is to make green spaces more attractive to wildlife and people and improve biodiversity.

A public consultation, carried out by Stroud District Council and Stonehouse Town Council was held last year for the canal-side sites and this is the first phase of improvements. Overall, there was support for the Wild Towns project and the majority of other improvements suggested. Proposals to have some moorings on Boakes Drive Green will not go ahead as they were not supported.

Background documents