Local Land Charges
The Local Land Charges function carries out searches to identify any registrations that may affect property or land.
What is a Local Land Charge?
A Local Land Charge is a restriction, prohibition or financial liability on a property or parcel of land that is binding upon successive owners or occupiers. For example Tree Preservation Orders, Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas, Financial Charges.
Who submits a Local Land Charges search request?
Local Land Charges search requests are received from solicitors or personal search companies acting on their clients behalf in order to purchase a property or land. However, anyone can requisition a local authority search of the Local Land Charges Register and this will be the case when the Register moves to HM Land Registry. You could do this yourself, by submitting the required form (known as the LLC1) which can be purchased from any law stationer’s office: Oyez, One Advanced, LexisNexis Smart Forms, Peapod Legal Office, Shaw & Sons Ltd and Form Evo or the Law Society and paying the appropriate fee to the local authority. A copy of the LLC1 form is signed and dated by the local authority and the results are returned to the person who submitted the request, electronically. A local authority search of the Local Land Charges Register can only be provided if the appropriate Local Land Charges search forms are submitted. Due to copyright law we are unable to supply these.
Our Local Land Charges Register data is available to view free of charge.
Local Land Charges search forms
PLEASE NOTE: We do not accept requests for Local Land Charges searches in paper format. All requests should be submitted via email (including a copy of a Land Registry plan with the area of interest outlined in red) to locallandcharges@stroud.gov.uk When your request is received an email confirmation will be sent to the address shown on the application forms. If you have not heard from us within 5 working days please email us.
- LLC1 - Official Certificate of Search - All registerable Local Land Charges. For example conditional planning consents, S106 Agreements and listed buildings.
- CON29 - Enquiries of Local Authority - For example road schemes, local plan designations and building regulations.
- CON29O - Optional enquiries of Local Authority - For example hazardous substance consents, noise abatement and common land and village greens.
PLEASE NOTE WHEN SUBMITTING AN LLCI AND CON29: Planning History is provided from 1st April 2014. Where Listed Building Consents are applicable, Planning History is provided from 1st April 2004. Should information prior to these dates be required, please use the planning search tool. Please note that not all of the historic records include the associated approved plans which are necessary to establish the full extent of approved works. When the approved plans are not available, persons may contact the Planning Department at the Council and request access to the plans which are retained in microfiche form.
Building Control History is provided for works received or notified after 1st April 2014. Should information prior to that date be required, please use the building control search tool.