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Emerging Strategy consultation reps

We received representations from 811 individuals and organisations, plus three petitions. You can access them all from this page. 

We received representations from 811 individuals and organisations, plus three petitions. You can access them all from this page. 

consultation report has been produced, which provides a high level summary of the number and type of responses we received to each question posed in the Emerging Strategy paper. Detailed analysis is still ongoing, and responses are being used to inform the next stage of the Local Plan Review.

Responses came from a variety of stakeholders including individuals, town and parish councils, councillors, statutory and non-statutory organisations, landowners and developers. The majority (82%) of representations were made by individuals. 

Online reps

Almost 1 in 3 respondents used our online questionnaire. This allows comments to be instantly categorised and easily filtered, to see responses about particular sites or questions. These are all available to view in one spreadsheet, which can be downloaded here:

note: individuals' names and other identifiers have been removed.

Electronic reps

43% of respondents submitted letters, comments, forms and supporting information by email. Each item has been read and redacted, to remove individuals' names and personal information. Comments have been manually attributed to the questions set out in our Emerging Strategy paper.

Use the Index of Representations to locate comments from particular organisations, companies or agents:

Postal reps (on paper)

1 in 4 respondents submitted letters, comments, forms and supporting information by post. Each item has been scanned and redacted, to remove individuals' names and personal information. Comments have been manually attributed to the questions set out in our Emerging Strategy paper.


During the consultation period, the Council received two petitions about potential site PS29 in Dursley. The two petitions had a total of 772 signatories. The petition received on 16th January 2019 was submitted with some additional information, which can be viewed here.

An additional petition (concerning the overall housing numbers and the principle of building within Stroud District's countryside) was received after the consultation period had closed.

All three petitions are summarised here.

Late reps

The council received 3 responses after the consultation closed. 

Site submissions

Through the Emerging Strategy consultation, 35 sites were submitted to the Council for consideration; 28 were submitted through the online site submission form and a further 7 were submitted as email representations.

Index of online site submissions

View online site submissions 1 - 14

View online site submissions 15 - 28

Index of email site submission representations

These 35 sites, together with any new sites submitted outside the consultation period, will be assessed separately as part of the 2019 Strategic Assessment of Land Availability (SALA).

Download individual electronic reps as PDF files (reps 00252-00598 only).

347 respondents submitted letters, comments, forms and supporting information by email. Each item has been read and redacted, to remove individuals' names and personal information.

Use the Index of Representations to locate comments from particular organisations, companies or agents:

Download individual postal reps as PDF files (reps 00599-00811 only). 251 respondents submitted letters, comments, forms and supporting information on paper, by post. Each item has been read and redacted, to remove individuals' names and personal information.

Use the Index of Representations to locate comments from particular organisations, companies or agents: